
~ 0 min
2008-12-21 08:34
<IfModule mod_cband.c>                                                                                                             
# limit speed of this vhost to 20Mbit/s, 5 request/s, 15 open connections                                                          
CBandSpeed 20Mbps 5 15                                                                                                             
# in addition every remote host connecting to this vhost                                                                           
# will be limited to 200kbit/s, 3 request/s, 2 open connections                                                                    
CBandRemoteSpeed 20Mbps 3 2                                                                                                        
# limit GoogleBot                                                                                                                  
#CBandClassRemoteSpeed googlebot_class 20kb/s 2 3                                                                                  
<CBandClass googlebot_class>                                                                                                       
CBandClassDst 66.249.64/24                                                                                                         
CBandClassDst 66.249.65/24                                                                                                         
CBandClassDst 66.249.79/24                                                                                                         
CBandClassRemoteSpeed googlebot_class 20kb/s 2 3                                                                                   
Durchschnittliche Bewertung 0 (0 Abstimmungen)

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