Debian Clamav installation Plesk 7.5

~ 0 min
2007-08-08 03:14

Install the Debian packages clamav, clamav-daemon and clamav-freshclam.
[code]plesk:~# apt-get install clamav clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam[/code]
Download and extract qsheff and ripmime tar balls.
[code]plesk:~# cd /usr/local/src/
plesk:/usr/local/src# wget
plesk:/usr/local/src# tar zxvf qsheff-II-2.1-r2.tar.gz
plesk:/usr/local/src# tar zxvf ripmime-[/code]
Building and installing ripmime is straightforward:
[code]plesk:/usr/local/src# cd ripmime-
plesk:/usr/local/src/ripmime- make
plesk:/usr/local/src/ripmime- make install[/code]
Ripmime will now be installed in /usr/local/bin; an appropriate place, and right where
qsheff expects it.

creating symlink of ripmime to /usr/bin/
[code]ln -s /usr/local/bin/ripmime /usr/bin/ripmime[/code]Now build and install qsheff:
[code]plesk:/usr/local/src# cd qsheff-II-2.1-r2
plesk:/usr/local/src/qsheff-II-2.1-r2# ./configure
plesk:/usr/local/src/qsheff-II-2.1-r2# make
plesk:/usr/local/src/qsheff-II-2.1-r2# /etc/init.d/qmail stop
plesk:/usr/local/src/qsheff-II-2.1-r2# make install[/code]
Now, before starting qmail, we have to fix the clamav path in the qsheff config file.
Edit qsheff.conf:
[code]mcedit /usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff.conf[/code] and change
[code]VIRUS_PROG = "/usr/local/bin/clamdscan --quiet"[/code]
[code]VIRUS_PROG = "/usr/bin/clamdscan --quiet"[/code]
You will probably want to change
[code]enable_blackhole = 0;[/code]
[code]enable_blackhole = 1;[/code]
as well.
Continue the installation:
[code]mv /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue.bak
plesk:/usr/local/src/qsheff-II-2.1-r2# /usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/
plesk:/usr/local/src/qsheff-II-2.1-r2# /etc/init.d/qmail start[/code]
And everything should be working!

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